Mass texting is effective because: People respond to texts 5x more than emails, social posts, phone calls or any other form of digital communication. That’s because 98% of all text messages are read within 3 minutes of when you send them.... The benefits of text message marketing Traditional forms of communicating are old. Texting has become the way of communicating. Because text messaging has a 10x better open rate then emails, you are sure to get a rapid response on your efforts.
Our bulk SMS and MMS text messaging services works for you, enabling you to instantly reach thousands of contacts and engage with them, promote your services, or make announcements.

Fascinating Stats:

48.7 million people will choose to receive business SMS messages in 2022. (Source: Mobile Xco)The SMS marketing channel is growing at a handsome rate. Compared to 2016, 23% more people will opt-in to receive SMS messages from companies in 2022. In other words, you’re missing out on a great chance to grow your customer base if you don’t invest in text message advertising.

The average American checks their phone 47 times a day. (Source: Journal of Accountancy) Americans can’t seem to get enough of their smartphones! Given the high usage, it’s high time marketers started utilizing the power of mobile.
And the best part is: Consumers are willing to engage with brands — something which the last statistic also proves.

SMS messages have a whopping 98% open rate. (Source: The Daily Egg)

90% of SMS messages are read within 3 minutes. (Source: Random Facts) People are not only just reading your SMS messages; they are reading them almost as soon as you send them!

SMS marketing is less intrusive, as it is a permission-based activity.

Second, it highlights the value proposition of an offer more effectively because of the limited space.

Only 30% of consumers receive SMS text messages from businesses they patronize. (Source: Podium) SMS marketing stats show 7 in every 10 consumers don’t receive promotional text messages from their favorite brands — even after making it clear they want to hear from them.

6 in every 10 consumers tend to have a positive impression of companies that contact them via text messages. (Source: Jeeves.Plus)

50% of US consumers make direct purchases after they’re sent an SMS branded text. (Source: mobivity)

SMS Marketing Statistics show companies that aren’t sending marketing or promotional text messages to their potential businesses are losing out on substantial revenue.

The real question is — can they afford to?

Can you?


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